‘Investments injected into New Damietta City in 10 years hit over LE8b’

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The minister made the remarks during a meeting he held Thursday at the headquarters of New Damietta City’s Authority to follow up on progress made in different development projects being implemented in the city.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Chairman of the New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA) Amin Ghonim and Head of New Damietta City’s Authority Mohamed Khalaf Allah.

The housing minister said the NUCA have constructed 15,240 housing units in New Damietta City over ten years, against 16,434 units built before 2014.

He added that LE559 million was allocated to the city’s investment scheme for the FY 2024/2025.

The head of New Damietta City’s Authority briefed the minister on the pace of work in the under-construction development and service projects, as well as the authority’s plans to increase investments in the sectors of tourism and industry.