Gold diagonal: Bullish break or bear trap? [Video]

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In this Trading Opportunities Webinar, Neerav Yadav (Author of “Think with the Markets”) has discussed charts of Forex, Commodities, Indices.

All discussions are based on Advanced Elliott Wave, with detailed Wave counts as well standard Supply and Demand analysis.

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  • 00:40 – About Us
  • 04:14 – Announcement of Training Program LT Batch
  • 05:18 – EURUSD
  • 12:10 – Crude Oil (Scalp longs played out)
  • 17:17 – Gold (Went up as per analysis)
  • 24:11 – SPX (Long target hit)
  • 32:16 – Nifty (Went up as per analysis)
  • 35:30 – BITCOIN (Moving in correction as per analysis)